Sunday, January 15, 2012

struggling sunday

I'm having a bit of a hard time getting myself to work on a Sunday. I did make a list though, and just included the absolutely necessary items to do so my Other Business projects will be up-to-date and moving along smoothly.

I actually want to go to the mall and have a proper leisurely round of window-shopping and maybe a few actual shopping (specifically in the notions store).

I want to hang out in a cafe and do some reading and writing and not have to worry for a while about the to-do work list that is expanding even as I write. My sister will tell me that I can actually do that but then she will also say that I am too stubborn to actually let go of the worry. She always says I have a mental "hoarding" habit which basically sums up to being a sort of control freak.


  1. Gosh, I was also experiencing the same thing last weekend. We do have a tendency to "hoard" which makes us such control freaks. We should really stop worrying. When I do, I find that I become more efficient with the things that I have to do. Good luck!

  2. Agh. I can totally relate however, I think I'm still stuck on a what-the-heck-am-I-really-doing?and when-will-I-get-to-where-I-want-to-be? phases. I agree with Jen, we should stop worrying but man, it's so hard not to.

    by the way, I'm Jen's bestfriend, Mer. :)

  3. Hi Jen! Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not >.< It can be frustrating to watch myself during the moments when I am not able to manage getting the work done efficiently.

  4. Hi Mer! Nice to see you here :) I know what you mean with that phase -- while I know what I want to happen and where I want to go, the WHEN can be a torment, and also the HOW. Sometimes it just takes so much energy keeping myself upright and positive and faithful but I know I have to be or the more I will not get where I want to go. Let's all hold hands while being brave and taking leaps!
