Monday, October 10, 2011

self talk

I was feeling a wee bit down as the day went by and by mid afternoon I was wondering what was wrong. I thought of a lot of things that could use some improvement but in general, I really have no solid valid reason to behave like my world has shattered irreparably.

So I stopped working and sat quietly in my parents' backyard, feeling the sun and the wind on my skin and hearing the regular neighborhood sounds.

Then I started talking to myself (in my head, because I didn't want to scare my mom. and I wrote it down afterwards):

Fix what you can. Finish what you can. Tomorrow will take care of itself. For today, do what you can at each moment. Whatever is within your power. For everything else that is not within your power, the power will be given to you when it is the perfect time. Never underestimate the perfect timing of the universe.

Learn what you can. Accept all the lessons.

Weigh everything and know the worth of everything.

Do not waste time. Make each minute, each second, count. Do not leave room for regret.

Believe that every thing you do today, provided that it is according to the calling of your heart and your spirit, will build towards the life that you dream of.

Better yet, start believing that the life you dream of is here now. That you are living it. There is no waiting. You can choose to be happy now. You can live happily ever after now.

What is it exactly that you are looking forward to? Everything is here now. There is only today.

Count your blessings. Be grateful.

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